Comitato ordinatore
Comitato ordinatore

In the 80s he also made a statue of Alighieri for the “Dante’s house” in Abruzzo at Torre dei Passeri on the occasion of the International Exhibition of dantesque sculpture. In those years he made numerous sculptures for many towns and villages in Abruzzo: war memorials for Villa Celiera, Cugnoli, Vicoli, Collecorvino and Cappelle sul Tavo a monument dedicated to Childhood for Bussi sul Tirino. These statues were later blessed in Saint Peter’s Square in Rome by the then Pope, and now, Saint John Paul II.

comitato ordinatore

In 1974 he was awarded first prize by the art magazine “Controvento” as an acknowledgement for his artistic endeavour in 1977 he was commissioned by the Provincial Administration of Pescara to make a bronze relief which was then donated by the Province to Pope Paul VI when he visited Pescara on the occasion of the XIX Eucharistic Congress between the end of the 70s and the 80s he was commissioned by Monsignor Pasquale Brandano to make five bronze statues for the facade of the cathedral of San Cetteo in Pescara. This experience in Rome, in the immediate post-war years, was to prove essential for his later work which was predominantly oriented towards the great classic models. This activity, which he performed with great interest and passion, was of great importance for his artistic development in the field of sculpture, which he began by teaching himself and then perfected at the Istituto d’Arte in Rome under the guidance of maestro Leoncillo.

comitato ordinatore

In this year he moved to Pescara with his family to work as a “modeller” at the local Liceo Artistico. Luigi Di Felice was born on February 9th in Catignano (PE) where he lived and worked until 1962. If his art is not well known as it would deserve, it is certainly because of his humble and shy nature.”.

comitato ordinatore

“Luigi Di Felice, an original local artist which deserves to be known and appreciated also for his humanity and his self-taught skills, that made him reach a very high level of expression driven by his passion to animate the matter.

Comitato ordinatore